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Pogwiritsa ntchito mabatani a 'Inde' ndi 'Ayi', gwirani ntchito limodzi kuti musankhe malo ndikudina batani la 'Sankhani' nthawi iliyonse kuti makompyuta asankhe m'malo a 'Inde'.
Pogwiritsa ntchito mabatani a 'Inde' ndi 'Ayi', gwirani ntchito limodzi kuti musankhe malo kenako ndikumenya batani la 'Sankhani' nthawi iliyonse kuti mukhale ndi kompyuta sankhani pa malo a 'Inde'.
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You can put your thumb on the scale and boost the odds that this image gets picked by using the slider. The higher the value, the greater the chance this image will be chosen.
Each of the games (image decks) can have multiple named lists, with different chances for each of the cards.
Aliyense ndi wopambana mukamapereka chikondi ndikupanga spin posewera izi modabwitsa masewera osangalatsa ogonana.
Kama Sutra the pulogalamu yapamtima yapakompyuta ndimasewera apakompyuta pafoni yanu, tebulo kapena chida china cham'manja. Tengani foni yanu pabedi, ndipo sankhani pamodzi kuchokera pamndandanda wakuthengo wodziwika bwino wogonana. Ndi mfulu, njira yabwino kwambiri yokometsera ubale wanu ndi zonyansa chiwonetsero.