Kev sib deev sib deev hauv online rau koj cov ntsiav tshuaj lossis xov tooj.
Introduction click to collapse contents
Siv cov 'Yog' thiab 'Tsis Yog' khawm, ua haujlwm ua ke xaiv cov haujlwm thiab tom qab ntawd ntaus lub pob 'Xaiv' thaum lub sijhawm twg los kom lub khoos phis tawm ntawm 'Tau' cov haujlwm.
Siv cov khawm 'Yog' thiab 'Tsis Yog', ua haujlwm ua ke xaiv cov haujlwm thiab tom qab ntawd ntaus tus 'Xaiv' khawm txhua lub sijhawm kom muaj lub khoos phis tawm tuaj ntawm txoj haujlwm "Yog" rau.
( 20) NO | ( 0) YES |

List Management click to collapse contents
Each of the games (image decks) can have multiple named lists, with different chances for each of the cards.