

    # 游戏=0, 页=1


    If you are a fan of classic sex-dice, like you would find at the mall, then this is the section for you.

    Life is complicated enough, this section is for people who just want to keep things nice and simple, but still pretty naughty. These games will have you kissing, licking, sucking, massaging, rubbing, stroking, teasing and fondling each other all the time.

    So go roll the dice and spread the love.

    Vanilla sex click to collapse contents

    Is a term often used to refer to sexual activities that are considered mainstream, conventional, or without any elements of BDSM, kink, or other non-traditional practices. It typically involves sexual activities such as kissing, oral sex, vaginal or anal intercourse, and other forms of sexual stimulation that are commonly seen as part of a typical sexual repertoire.

    Couples may choose to engage in primarily or exclusively "vanilla" sex for several reasons:

    Personal preference click to collapse contents

    Some individuals simply have a preference for more traditional sexual activities and find fulfillment and pleasure in them. They may enjoy the emotional connection, intimacy, and sensations that come with these activities.

    Comfort and familiarity click to collapse contents

    Engaging in familiar sexual activities can provide a sense of comfort and security within a relationship. It allows couples to focus on the emotional connection and intimacy without the need for additional elements.

    Lack of interest or curiosity in alternative practices click to collapse contents

    并不是每个人都愿意探索非传统的性行为, BDSM,或扭结。有些人可能没有什么兴趣或好奇心 在这些领域并在他们喜欢的性方面找到满足 活动。

    身体限制或健康考虑 click to collapse contents

    某些人可能有身体限制或健康状况 这使得从事更具冒险性或更具挑战性的活动变得具有挑战性或不安全 对体力要求较高的性活动。在这种情况下,选择更多 传统的性行为可能是一种实用且令人愉快的选择。

    文化或宗教信仰 click to collapse contents

    文化或宗教信仰可以影响个人的观点 关于性活动。在某些情况下,夫妻可能会坚持文化或 优先考虑传统或保守的宗教价值观 性行为。

    值得注意的是,术语“普通”和“非普通”是 相对的和主观的。对一个人来说什么可能被认为是香草 对另一个人来说可能会被认为是冒险的。对于情侣来说很重要 就他们的性取向进行公开和诚实的沟通, 欲望和界限,以确保性满足和双方同意 关系。只要双方都幸福、满足、 在知情同意的情况下从事活动,没有权利或 对待性经历的错误方式。

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    免费,无需安装。淘气游戏有100多种 从中选择。您感觉性感浪漫吗?可能是 有点变态?想变得怪异吗?我们有性爱骰子 性爱轮毂和性旋转器为您服务!如果找不到 您需要什么,创建自己的或自定义现有的 您认为合适的任何方式。所有这些色情美食都是 针对您的移动设备(电话或平板电脑)进行了优化。玩 和你的男朋友或女友。用你的香料调味 丈夫或妻子。有1000多种想法可以使事物生动起来,为您的色情游戏增添些乐趣 下一个约会之夜!最性感的在线游戏 互联网。为您的生活增添一些成人冒险。带上你的 电话睡觉,然后走运。这个性感的游戏是最好的 世界成人娱乐系统。




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