Sex Dice : Kategori
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Are you looking for new ideas to spice up your love life? All of these games are filled with sexy ideas, actions, tasks and challenges to bring the romance, pleasure, fun and excitement back into your relationship(s). So go ahead and roll those dice and bring a smile to your lover's face.

To make it easier to find what you are looking for, we have two major groupings to make exploring new sexy ideas easy and fun; a movie-ratings scale and a vanilla-kinky scale. We have an AI agent that sorts and ranks your user generated games, placing them into these scales. We are constantly working on these agents, so things will move around, hopefully it keeps getting better with time.

So, if you are interested in the easy teen-age New York version? Then try the PG-13 button under Movie Ratings. Tired of the same-old same-old? Does your husband need a little nudge to make things more interesting? Try rolling the dice in our Kinky or BDSM section.

We also have a search page. The search button is found under explore, and when you find what you like, go ahead and bookmark it.

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