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Spin The Bottle - Eccentrico
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This is Naughtygrin's take on Spin the Bottle. To play, simply put this device down on a flat surface and have everyone form a circle around it, then hit the spin button just below the bottle.

Once the bottle is finished spinning, the person to whom the bottle points to must perform an action. Common actions include:
  • A simple peck on the lips (a kiss).
  • A longer kiss.
  • A hug or a friendly embrace.
  • A dare or challenge, such as singing a song, performing a dance, or answering a personal question.

Spin The Bottle

Spin the Bottle Fusion

Spin the Bottle Fusion is Naughtygrin's enhancement to the traditional game. It's a mashup of Spin the Bottle and other games on this site, like Sex Dice or Roullette.

As an example, when Alice hit's the play button in a Bottle/Dice fusion game, the bottle will spin round-and-round, until it comes to a stop when it's pointing to Bob. The dice landed on "kiss", and "elbow".

So now Bob has to kiss Alice on the elbow, or take a drink.

Just click on one of the games below and fiddle around and it will all make sense. If you can't find exactly what you need, hit the 'Create' button up top and you can make your own fusion game.



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    It's playtime! This is the place for costumes and toys. Really get things going with your partner(s) using these games that have been created by other kinksters from all over the world. Remember, if you still are not satisified go ahead and make your own (DIY).

    Remember, talk to each other. Know and enforce your boundaries, keep an open mind and start kissing, sucking, squeezing and licking.

    If you are not with your partner or group right now, send him, her or them a link, and see where it leads. Luck favors the bold :)

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