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Spin The Bottle - Nalgadas
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This is Naughtygrin's take on Spin the Bottle. To play, simply put this device down on a flat surface and have everyone form a circle around it, then hit the spin button just below the bottle.

Once the bottle is finished spinning, the person to whom the bottle points to must perform an action. Common actions include:
  • A simple peck on the lips (a kiss).
  • A longer kiss.
  • A hug or a friendly embrace.
  • A dare or challenge, such as singing a song, performing a dance, or answering a personal question.


Spin the Bottle Fusion

Spin the Bottle Fusion is Naughtygrin's enhancement to the traditional game. It's a mashup of Spin the Bottle and other games on this site, like Sex Dice or Roullette.

As an example, when Alice hit's the play button in a Bottle/Dice fusion game, the bottle will spin round-and-round, until it comes to a stop when it's pointing to Bob. The dice landed on "kiss", and "elbow".

So now Bob has to kiss Alice on the elbow, or take a drink.

Just click on one of the games below and fiddle around and it will all make sense. If you can't find exactly what you need, hit the 'Create' button up top and you can make your own fusion game.



    # jocs=0, Pàgina=1


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    Why we love Spanking!

    Power dynamics

    Spanking can involve a power exchange, where one person takes on a dominant role while the other assumes a submissive role. Some individuals find pleasure in exploring power dynamics as a form of sexual expression.

    Sensation and arousal

    Spanking can stimulate the nerve endings in the buttocks, leading to a mix of sensations that can range from pleasurable to painful. These sensations can generate a release of endorphins and adrenaline, resulting in heightened arousal and sexual excitement.

    Taboo and psychological factors

    The taboo nature of spanking or BDSM activities can add an element of excitement and psychological arousal for some individuals. Engaging in activities that are considered socially unconventional or taboo can be a turn-on for some people.

    Emotional and psychological connection

    Engaging in intimate activities like spanking can foster a deep emotional and psychological connection between partners. It can involve trust, vulnerability, and the exploration of boundaries, which can enhance the overall sexual experience.

    Roleplay and fantasy fulfilment

    Some people enjoy engaging in roleplay scenarios where spanking is incorporated. It allows them to explore their fantasies, take on different personas, and create narratives that enhance their sexual experiences.


    It's important to emphasize that consent, communication, and mutual respect are crucial in any sexual activity. If you are considering exploring spanking or any BDSM-related activities with a partner, open and honest communication is essential to ensure both parties are comfortable, have clear boundaries, and engage in activities that they both enjoy.

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    Gratuït, res a instal·lar. Hi ha centenars de jocs entremaliats per triar. Et sents sexy i romàntic? Pot ser una mica pervertit? Voleu posar-vos freaky? Tenim els daus sexuals, i rodes sexuals i filadores sexuals per a vosaltres! Si no el podeu trobar el que necessiteu, creeu-ne un o personalitzeu-ne un de ja existent de qualsevol manera que creieu convenient. Totes aquestes delícies eròtiques ho són optimitzat per al vostre dispositiu mòbil (telèfon o tauleta). Jugar amb el teu xicot o xicota. Condimenta-ho amb el teu marit o dona. Hi ha milers d'idees per animar les coses. Afegiu una petita aventura eròtica al vostre la propera cita a la nit! El joc en línia més atractiu de Internet. Afegiu una aventura per a adults a la vostra vida. Agafa el teu telefoneu-vos al llit i tingueu sort. Aquest sexy joc és el millor sistema d’entreteniment per a adults al món.

    Tothom és guanyador quan li agrada fer un nou gir jugant a aquest increïblement divertit joc de daus sexuals.

    Als homes els encantarà el joc d’aquest joc i les dones seran recompensades amb jocs previs calents.

    Tota una col·lecció d’activitats sensuals de jocs previs, des de la vainilla fins a la perversa dreta.

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