Surprise your partner - Kynlífstenningar

Surprise your partner

If male, you should

Wear a cock ring but don’t tell her. While driving somewhere ask her to feel inside your pants and see if she notices anything unusual.

If female, you should gddg

Buy a new sex toy, wrap it like a gift and give it after dinner one day.

Do it at a time when they were expecting and try to make it a true surprise. Only do it if you feel they would consent and be happily surprised. Gddg
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Leikföng og leikmunir sem þú þarft fyrir þennan leik

  1. Wax all your genital hair
  2. Setup a massage night for your partner. Give them a 1 hour massage before you do anything sexual. Use candles, relaxing music, and be naked.
  3. Place a trail of little notes for your partner to see when they walk in the door after work. On each on should be something encouraging or loving toward them. Lead it to the bedroom where you have candles going and tell them why you love them so much during foreplay.
  4. Pull her into a public bathroom and give her oral
  5. Cut a hole in the pocket of some pants/shorts. Place your penis in the pocket and then ask her to put her hand in and feel around.
  6. Bring her flowers to work. On the card say it’s just because you love her. At home that night tell her you’d like to please her and make it about her.
  7. Make her a candle lit dinner when she isn’t expecting it. Try to make it romantic. Ask her questions during dinner to be interested in her.
  8. Write a note for her and put it in an envelope. Give it to her and ask her to wait to open it until she is on lunch break. On one side that she pulls out of the envelope that she will see first, write a long note about how wonderful, special, and beautiful she is. On the other side write in small print something sexy about her and a way you want to please her that night.
  9. velja Wear a cock ring but don’t tell her. While driving somewhere ask her to feel inside your pants and see if she notices anything unusual.
  10. Ask your partner casually what a sex fantasy of hers may be. Ask at a time when you know you won’t be having sex soon so it’s low pressure. Then in the next week make it come true.
  11. Clean the house while she is out to surprise her. When she gets home, have a meal or snack ready for her. When she is in the mood for sexy time next , tell her you cleaned the house but there is something else you still need to lick clean. Give her oral until she orgasms twice.
  12. When she gets home, ask her if she is up for a sexy surprise. If she says no, sit her down and give her a foot rub and a shoulder and neck massage. If she says yes, blindfold her and slowly strip her naked right there. Lead her to the bedroom and kiss and lick all over her body for 10 minutes. Put her in doggy position and get under her and lick and suck her breasts. Move behind her and give her oral briefly. Lightly bite her butt cheeks. Lick circles around her butt hole. Then ask her how she would like to finish and do it.
  1. Wax off all your pubic hair and initiate sexy time while in a dark room so he will be surprised to feel it before he sees it.
  2. Wear some sexy lingerie and surprise him as soon as he walks through the door.
  3. Make dinner only wearing an apron and nothing else.
  4. Pull him into a public bathroom and give him oral.
  5. Dye your pubic hair a bright color
  6. velja Buy a new sex toy, wrap it like a gift and give it after dinner one day.
  7. Suggest to go on a drive in the country. He drives and you find a place to give him oral while he drives safely.
  8. Wear a butt plug and show him when you are out and about and can’t have sex for at least an hour to tease him at what awaits him
  9. Wear crotchless panties and while in the car ask him to feel around your panties under your clothes to see if he notices anything unusual
  10. Tell him you want to go for a drive in the country. While in a place with few people, pull your top down and leave your breasts out and visible to him for as long as you dare.
  11. Take him to an elevator likely to be sparsely used so you are the only two in it. Without warning as soon as the door closes, make out with him and rub his penis and balls through his pants. Keep doing it until the last second the door opens again and walk out like nothing happened and go back to normal.
  12. Write three notes in small print about naughty things you want to do to him. The next time you go to dinner at a restaurant, slip him the notes one by one over the course of dinner to get him flustered.
  13. Wear a skirt or dress but no panties. Do it at a time he wouldn’t be expecting that. While out in public sitting down at a restaurant, or out and around other people you know, whisper to him that you aren’t wearing any panties.

Velkomin á besta auðlind internetsins til að verða heppinn!

Ef þú ert nýr hér, þá viltu fletta í gegnum Kanna hlutann hér að neðan. Þar finnur þú mikið af skemmtilegum, kynþokkafullum og kinky leikjum krydda málið. Við höfum 1000 af leikjum, búna til af fólki frá öllum um allan heim, með allt frá léttum forleik til virkilega nákvæms BDSM atriði. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú sért að leika við karlmann, a kona, eða jafnvel ef þú ert að spila í hóp; hvort þú sért vanillu eða viðbjóðslegur, við erum með þig.

Samt, ef þú getur ekki fundið eitthvað fyrir þig og félaga þína smekk, þú getur búið til þína eigin í DIY hlutanum.DIY

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Allir eru sigurvegarar þegar þú gefur ást að gera nýjan snúning með því að spila þennan ótrúlega skemmtilega kynlífsteningaleik.

Karlar munu elska fjárhættuspil í þessum leik og konur fá umbun með heitu forleik.

Allt safn af líkamsræktarleikjum, allt frá vanillu og niður til hægri kinky.

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